Friday 5 December 2014

Series Review | Mara Dyer Trilogy

"If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one."


Title: Mara Dyer Trilogy (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, The Evolution of Mara Dyer, and The Retribution of Mara Dyer)
Author: Michelle Hodkin
Series: Trilogy
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Format: Ebook
Source: Own
Genre: YA Paranormal


Mara Dyer believes life can't get any stranger than waking up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there. It can. She believes there must be more to the accident she can't remember that killed her friends and left her strangely unharmed. There is. She doesn't believe that after everything she's been through, she can fall in love. She's wrong.

Plot: ★★★★★
The plot is amazing. It's mysterious and suspenseful, and keeps you hooked throughout all of the books. There are so many cliffhangers and these books are definitely page turners. It's very well thought out throughout most of the trilogy, I just felt the last book was a bit rushed at the end. Like the author is trying desperately to tie up loose ends, but misses a bunch of them. I would love a novella or even just a little extra at the end of this book to clear up some other unanswered questions, but I do love the twists and turns the books took, for the most part. 

Characters: ★★★★★
Oh my goodness, the characters are amazing. I have a thing for unreliable narrators, and this story definitely has one. But Mara is strong, and fierce, and stands up for herself, and does what she has to in the face of danger. She is no way dependent or weak. And then Noah Shaw. I shouldn't even have to say any more, Noah Shaw is just the epitome of everything I love in a character. He's funny, and adorable, and charming, and he loves Mara so completely and unconditionally, and he's just perfect. He has a tragic backstory I would love to know more about, and his arrogance and humour are just so...perfect. There's no other way to describe him. I think I could go on forever. And then there's Jamie, whom I love so much. He's funny and seemingly carefree and he's understanding and the perfect friend to Mara. I love kickass friendships like this one. And of course Daniel is another really important figure in Mara's life, and I love how he comes in near the end of the last book and helps them through everything AND I LOVE THAT HE BELIEVES MARA. The fact that Mara would do anything for him and her family is so heartwarming and beautiful. I really dislike her parents, but I think that's the point. They try to do what's good for her, but that have no idea. They're just ignorant, it's not their fault. And even the villains in this series you love to hate, and sort of feel bad for them when you discover their backstories. Like Jude, you can't help but feel sympathy toward him, even if you still hate him. All of the characters are just really well rounded and you can tell there is a lot of thought put into them. I really appreciated all of them and their relevance to the story.

Writing: ★★★★.5
I've read better, but Michelle Hodkin definitely knows her way with words. The story was haunting and deep, and a lot of it was almost poetic. There are so many quotes in this book that stood out to me, one of the main ones being: "I felt a dragon slept inside me and exhaled poison with every breath." So beautiful. Also, I loved how in the second half of Retribution, we got to read some scenes from Noah's point of view. I liked getting into his head. 

Romance/Feels: ★★★★★
YES YES YES ALL THE FEELS. Mara and Noah are so incredibly perfect, and although they had their ups and downs, they are made for each other (quite literally). Nothing could tear them apart, and I really love that. (I also love the lack of love triangles, just saying.) It did get a little too Romeo and Juliet for me during the last book, but I can get over that.

Ending: ★★★★
This is what I had a problem with. I feel like I still have so many questions and not enough answers. I like how it was pretty much a happy ending, but I would really like to know a lot more about what happened. I'll discuss this more under the spoiler line. 

Overall Enjoyment: ★★★★★
I love this trilogy so much, and I highly recommend it. It's suspenseful, there's a ton of action and romance, it's funny, it'll probably make you cry at some points, and it's so interesting. I think there's something in here for everyone, and I just want to give these books to everyone I've ever met and tell them to read them. It kind of changed my perspective on a lot of things, in a way. I'm still in a huge book hangover. 

Rereadability: 100%

Final Rating: ★★★★★


OKAY so I really wanted to discuss some of the specific problems I had with this series, the last book in particular. 
  • First of all, the fact that Mara and Noah both died and came back to life seriously annoyed me. It felt.. messy and unnecessary and kind of predictable. I mean, it felt obvious to me that neither of them were going to die for real, so I felt like that bit could have been left out. At least Noah's part, I think. Having it happen once would have been okay... but twice? Unrealistic. 
  • Also, Stella getting fed up with Mara and leaving the group felt a little.. unnatural to me. I mean, she knew who Mara was. She had experienced her killing before, she knew that Mara could be harsh. And Jamie was in on it too, making the assholes climb down into the subway tunnel, so why wasn't she upset with him? It just felt like that was something Stella and Jamie had already accepted, and then suddenly she was up and leaving because she was scared of Mara, and Jamie had admitted that as well. I didn't get that part, and I was expecting her to come back at some point, which didn't happen. We didn't get any closure or answers about what happened to her, which really bummed me out. I loved her character. 
  • Something else that bugged me with the series as a whole was how Mara would predict things, and then it would happen. It killed some of the mystery for me, and bothered me a lot. I know she's not clueless and could have guessed some of what was to happen, but I felt like the author could have... portrayed that better, I guess.
  • And again with the ending, I just would really like to know what happened with Mara's parents, and Stella (like I said), and where the gang ended up and what they did and what else happened with Mara and Noah and there were just so many more questions I had. I don't feel like I got complete closure. 

All that being said, I am in love with series. Just a couple of things that bugged, but that doesn't change my opinion as a whole. It's a wonderful YA trilogy full of mystery! 

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